Skill Lab
The renovation and equipping of School of Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Skills Center started in summer 2018 to provide a suitable educational space equipped with smart mannequins and up-to-date equipment in a new design for nursing, midwifery and operating room students so that they could learn and practice the fundamentals of healthcare services and various procedures under the supervision of professors.
It should be noted that students of other fields of study, including medicine, dentistry, anesthesia, radiology and health, can also use the facilities of the center to learn clinical skills related to their field of study.
  • The center consists of the following units:
Health Checkup, Injection, Wound Dressing, Suturing, Bandaging and Splinting, Oxygen Therapy, Suction and Tracheostomy, Child & Baby CPR, Adult CPR, Bladder Catheterization, Gastric catheterization and Enema Administration, Treatment, Health House, Children, Gynecology Clinic, Delivery Room, Operating Room and Recovery Room.
Bladder Catheterization:
The student is acquainted with urinary system diseases and the necessary skills to insert a urinary catheter by observing sterile tips and to perform urinary drainage, bladder irrigation, and measurement of urine output, as well as other diseases related to this system, such as hematuria, and related nursing care.
Gastric catheterization and Enema Administration:
The student learns skills related to gastrointestinal disorders and the correct principles of nasogastric Tube insertion or orogastric tube insertion, as well as NGT applications such as patient feeding and Intake &Output control, drug poisoning, and gastric lavage. He/she also learns the skills needed for colon cleansing through rectal catheteriztion for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
In this unit, the student also becomes acquainted with all medication routes of administration such as oral, intravenous, topical, drops, etc. and proper prescription and storage of medicines, as well as how to store vaccines and observe the vaccine cold chain.
Health House:
The student learns the skills related to caring for different vulnerable groups, including monitoring the growth and development of children and caring for pregnant mothers, the elderly and middle-aged, etc., services related to vaccination and disease, as well as environmental health.
The student becomes acquainted with the examinations of the healthy child and its differentiation from the sick child, relevant medical services such as fluid therapy and treatment of electrolyte disorders, dose adjustments of oral and intravenous drugs and appropriate child care.
Gynecology Clinic:
Given the importance of women's health for promoting community health indicators, students learn the necessary skills of caring for pregnant women, family planning services, and screening for common cancers in women, including breast and cervical cancers, using available mannequins. 
Also, in this unit, the student also learns the necessary skills regarding the stages of labor, peri- to postpartum care and newborn breastfeeding, initial examinations and umbilical cord core for newborns, vitamin K injection and temperature regulation, as well as infant jaundice treatment and how to use the phototherapy device.
Operating Room:
Students become familiar with the environment of the operating room, infection control and sterilization methods, and how to package sets (surgical gown, surgical drapes, skin prepration, Draping the patient, etc.), as well as the different small and large surgical instruments sets available in the department and how to use them, anesthesia machine, ventilators, etc.
Recovery Room:
The student learns the skills related to the care of the patient transferred from the operating room before admission to the ward and how to examine the level of his/her consciousness and his/her postoperative complications.
In this unit, which is a simulation of surgical scrubbing, the student learns how to conduct surgical hand washing properly using brown Betadine and to wear sterile gowns and gloves.
Health Checkup:
The student gets acquainted with different organs of the body and learns the necessary skills regarding physical examinations and diagnosis of normal and abnormal conditions of each organ and how to use equipment such as glucometer (to measure blood glucose level), Diapason (for hearing tests), otoscope (for ear examination), ophthalmoscope (for eye exam), etc.
The student learns the necessary skills to perform various subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular and intravenous injections using equipment such as syringe, angiocatheter needle and scalp vein in different colors and sizes, as well as the principles of serum drop adjustment using infusion set and Micro Set, blood drawing and fluid therapy as per the correct guidelines.
Wound Dressing, Suturing, Bandaging and Splinting:
The student learns the skills related to examining and evaluating the types of injuries caused by accidents and trauma, and how to care for the injured limbs using various dressings, suturing, pneumatic and metal splinting, and the appropriate principles of plaster casting and various bandage applications for different parts of the body.
Oxygen therapy, Suction and Tracheostomy Management:
The student is acquainted with different methods of oxygen therapy and the correct principles of suctioning nasopharyngeal secretions and secretions inside tracheostomy and airways, as well as the skill of using equipment such as suction device, oxygen capsule and various oxygen masks (simple face mask, venturi mask, non rebreather mask), guedel airway, etc.
Child & Baby CPR:
The student learns how to take care of a child in need of CPR using smart mannequins, and the correct method of intubation and cardiac massage for the baby. The principles of caring for premature infants who need intensive care and how to work with a neonatal incubator are instructed as well.
Adult CPR:
The student is acquainted with the techniques of basic (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS) for adults using smart CPR mannequins, the correct use of direct-current (DC) shock devices, monitoring, pulse oximetry, correct use of Ambu bag, as well as the methods of airway management, intubation, and oxygen delivery.
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